• home
  • resources - user actions

User Actions

Once you are logged in (researchers should use their ORCID ID), you will be all set to access the following

Adding research products to your ORCID record via ~ My ORCID LINKS ~

Researchers who log in using their ORCID ID have the ability to claim additional research outputs as their own. Once claimed, this information synchronizes with their ORCID profile and will be reflected in both the ORCID system and this portal following the next update of the OpenAIRE Graph, which occurs approximately monthly. This integration ensures that researchers can see their claimed research outputs in both places, maintaining consistency and visibility of their work.

To claim your research products in OpenAIRE and synchronize them with your ORCID profile, you will need to follow a few simple steps. Once logged in with your ORCID iD, navigate to the top right corner of any page and click on your initials. From there, select “My ORCiD links.” This action will prompt you to grant OpenAIRE permission to access (once) and update your ORCID works.

After you have granted permission, you will see a list of all your works associated with your ORCID ID. You can then view, update, or remove these works from both your ORCID record and the National Open Access Monitor, Ireland. To expand your record, use the “Discover research products related to you” link, located at the top right of the page. This feature allows you to use the search function to find your Irish publications and other research products. Once you find them, you can easily add them to your ORCID record by clicking on “link”.

Linking research products via ~ Link ~

'Linking' is a functionality provided by OpenAIRE enabling users to connect research results with projects, research communities, or other research outcomes. This linked information is subsequently integrated into the OpenAIRE Graph and, consequently, becomes accessible in the National Open Access Monitor, Ireland.

Where to Find the Linking Feature?

To access the Linking feature, sign in to your account, click on the circle with your initials in the top right corner, and select 'Link'. Additionally, the linking option is available under any research product while browsing. Each Monitor includes a 'Browse Research Products' tab at the top for easy navigation and access.

Types of Research Results for Linking

Users have two options for linking research results:

1. Existing OpenAIRE Results: Link to research results already present within OpenAIRE.

2. External Content Providers: Link to research results hosted on external platforms like Crossref, Datacite, or ORCID.

Visibility of New Links

The visibility of newly created links depends on their origin:

1. Links to Existing OpenAIRE Results: These will be visible on the portal after the next OpenAIRE Graph update, which occurs nearly monthly.

2. Links to Results on External Platforms: Links to research results on platforms like Crossref, Datacite, or ORCID will be immediately visible through the portal.

Managing ‘My Links’

All users can manage their links through the 'My Links' page. After linking results, users can view and manage their list of created links, including the option to delete them if needed.

Upload DOIs

Accessing the "Upload DOIs" feature on the OA Monitor platform is a straightforward process that allows users to obtain detailed information about their publications. Here's how you can use this feature:

First, sign in to your account. Once you are logged in, locate the circle with your initials at the top right corner of the page and click on it. In the dropdown menu, select 'Upload DOIs'. This will take you to a page specifically designed for uploading Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs).

On this page, you have the option to upload a CSV file that contains a list of DOIs. Once your CSV file is uploaded, the system will process the information and generate a comprehensive report. This report includes a wealth of details about the publications associated with the given DOIs.

The information provided in the report covers various aspects such as the publication title, its access mode (which could be Open, Closed, Embargo, or Restricted), and the access routes (like gold, hybrid, or bronze). It also indicates whether the publication is green (self-archived) and if it is published in an OA (Open Access) diamond Journal. The report also highlights the total number of DOIs found in your list and identifies if there are any duplicates or invalid DOIs.


The entire set of the Peer-reviewed publications for the National Open Access Monitor of Ireland is available via OAI-PMH protocol is available via the following url: https://oamonitor.ireland.openaire.eu/oai

Dashboard Managers Documentation

The National Open Access Monitor of Ireland is a public platform accessible without needing to sign in. However, certain features require administrative access. To manage this, we have established two levels of user access: “Primary Dashboard Managers” and “Dashboard Managers.”

1.1 Sandbox


The Sandbox (beta) interface of the Irish Monitor gives an early view of monitoring data from the pre-release version of the OpenAIRE Graph. The Sandbox provides a preliminary look at data and functionalities, offering a sneak peek into the upcoming developments and acts as the first checkpoint for data modifications and improvements, such as new repository integration in OpenAIRE or organisation name deduplication via OpenOrgs.

1.2 OpenOrgs


A user-friendly tool for efficiently deduplicating organisation names and disambiguating parent/child relationships for the organisations. You can find more information in the Engagement & Training page: https://oamonitor.ireland.openaire.eu/engagement-training by viewing the training for the OpenOrgs platform.

1.3 Who can become a Dashboard Manager?

Users affiliated with Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) or Research Funding Organisations (RFOs) and involved in their organizations' Monitoring and Research Assessment departments or teams are eligible to become Primary Dashboard Managers. Interested RPO or RFO users can contact OpenAIRE using their institutional email, providing their affiliation and expressing their interest to become Primary Dashboard Managers. Upon review by OpenAIRE, an invite will be sent to the institutional email provided in the application. Users can accept the invite and register as Primary Dashboard Managers. In the case that the RPO or RFO has already registered a Primary Dashboard Manager then the request is forward to them to proceed with the invite through the admin interface for the user to register as a Dashboard Manager.

1.4 Primary Dashboard Managers
Acquire access to:
  • The admin interface of the dashboard where they can:
    • Add/update the details of their RPO/RFO such as the display name, the logo and the short description.
    • Invite other users to register as Dashboard managers.
  • The OpenOrgs platform
  • The Sandbox
1.5 Dashboard managers

Acquire access to the Sandbox

  • home
  • resources - user actions

User Actions

Once you are logged in (researchers should use their ORCID ID), you will be all set to access the following

Adding research products to your ORCID record via ~ My ORCID LINKS ~

Researchers who log in using their ORCID ID have the ability to claim additional research outputs as their own. Once claimed, this information synchronizes with their ORCID profile and will be reflected in both the ORCID system and this portal following the next update of the OpenAIRE Graph, which occurs approximately monthly. This integration ensures that researchers can see their claimed research outputs in both places, maintaining consistency and visibility of their work.

To claim your research products in OpenAIRE and synchronize them with your ORCID profile, you will need to follow a few simple steps. Once logged in with your ORCID iD, navigate to the top right corner of any page and click on your initials. From there, select “My ORCiD links.” This action will prompt you to grant OpenAIRE permission to access (once) and update your ORCID works.

After you have granted permission, you will see a list of all your works associated with your ORCID ID. You can then view, update, or remove these works from both your ORCID record and the National Open Access Monitor, Ireland. To expand your record, use the “Discover research products related to you” link, located at the top right of the page. This feature allows you to use the search function to find your Irish publications and other research products. Once you find them, you can easily add them to your ORCID record by clicking on “link”.

Linking research products via ~ Link ~

'Linking' is a functionality provided by OpenAIRE enabling users to connect research results with projects, research communities, or other research outcomes. This linked information is subsequently integrated into the OpenAIRE Graph and, consequently, becomes accessible in the National Open Access Monitor, Ireland.

Where to Find the Linking Feature?

To access the Linking feature, sign in to your account, click on the circle with your initials in the top right corner, and select 'Link'. Additionally, the linking option is available under any research product while browsing. Each Monitor includes a 'Browse Research Products' tab at the top for easy navigation and access.

Types of Research Results for Linking

Users have two options for linking research results:

1. Existing OpenAIRE Results: Link to research results already present within OpenAIRE.

2. External Content Providers: Link to research results hosted on external platforms like Crossref, Datacite, or ORCID.

Visibility of New Links

The visibility of newly created links depends on their origin:

1. Links to Existing OpenAIRE Results: These will be visible on the portal after the next OpenAIRE Graph update, which occurs nearly monthly.

2. Links to Results on External Platforms: Links to research results on platforms like Crossref, Datacite, or ORCID will be immediately visible through the portal.

Managing ‘My Links’

All users can manage their links through the 'My Links' page. After linking results, users can view and manage their list of created links, including the option to delete them if needed.

Upload DOIs

Accessing the "Upload DOIs" feature on the OA Monitor platform is a straightforward process that allows users to obtain detailed information about their publications. Here's how you can use this feature:

First, sign in to your account. Once you are logged in, locate the circle with your initials at the top right corner of the page and click on it. In the dropdown menu, select 'Upload DOIs'. This will take you to a page specifically designed for uploading Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs).

On this page, you have the option to upload a CSV file that contains a list of DOIs. Once your CSV file is uploaded, the system will process the information and generate a comprehensive report. This report includes a wealth of details about the publications associated with the given DOIs.

The information provided in the report covers various aspects such as the publication title, its access mode (which could be Open, Closed, Embargo, or Restricted), and the access routes (like gold, hybrid, or bronze). It also indicates whether the publication is green (self-archived) and if it is published in an OA (Open Access) diamond Journal. The report also highlights the total number of DOIs found in your list and identifies if there are any duplicates or invalid DOIs.


The entire set of the Peer-reviewed publications for the National Open Access Monitor of Ireland is available via OAI-PMH protocol is available via the following url: https://oamonitor.ireland.openaire.eu/oai

Dashboard Managers Documentation

The National Open Access Monitor of Ireland is a public platform accessible without needing to sign in. However, certain features require administrative access. To manage this, we have established two levels of user access: “Primary Dashboard Managers” and “Dashboard Managers.”

1.1 Sandbox


The Sandbox (beta) interface of the Irish Monitor gives an early view of monitoring data from the pre-release version of the OpenAIRE Graph. The Sandbox provides a preliminary look at data and functionalities, offering a sneak peek into the upcoming developments and acts as the first checkpoint for data modifications and improvements, such as new repository integration in OpenAIRE or organisation name deduplication via OpenOrgs.

1.2 OpenOrgs


A user-friendly tool for efficiently deduplicating organisation names and disambiguating parent/child relationships for the organisations. You can find more information in the Engagement & Training page: https://oamonitor.ireland.openaire.eu/engagement-training by viewing the training for the OpenOrgs platform.

1.3 Who can become a Dashboard Manager?

Users affiliated with Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) or Research Funding Organisations (RFOs) and involved in their organizations' Monitoring and Research Assessment departments or teams are eligible to become Primary Dashboard Managers. Interested RPO or RFO users can contact OpenAIRE using their institutional email, providing their affiliation and expressing their interest to become Primary Dashboard Managers. Upon review by OpenAIRE, an invite will be sent to the institutional email provided in the application. Users can accept the invite and register as Primary Dashboard Managers. In the case that the RPO or RFO has already registered a Primary Dashboard Manager then the request is forward to them to proceed with the invite through the admin interface for the user to register as a Dashboard Manager.

1.4 Primary Dashboard Managers
Acquire access to:
  • The admin interface of the dashboard where they can:
    • Add/update the details of their RPO/RFO such as the display name, the logo and the short description.
    • Invite other users to register as Dashboard managers.
  • The OpenOrgs platform
  • The Sandbox
1.5 Dashboard managers

Acquire access to the Sandbox