On 1/7/2024 11:29 a user uploaded a list of 890 DOIs to the Irish Monitor to check their presence and retrieve the Open Access types and additional key metadata On 1/7/2024 11:32 a user uploaded a list of 890 DOIs to the Irish Monitor to check their presence and retrieve the Open Access types and additional key metadata On 1/7/2024 14:05 a user uploaded a list of 890 DOIs to the Irish Monitor to check their presence and retrieve the Open Access types and additional key metadata On 1/7/2024 14:06 a user uploaded a list of 890 DOIs to the Irish Monitor to check their presence and retrieve the Open Access types and additional key metadata On 1/7/2024 14:08 a user uploaded a list of 796 DOIs to the Irish Monitor to check their presence and retrieve the Open Access types and additional key metadata On 2/7/2024 05:36 a user uploaded a list of 27187 DOIs to the Irish Monitor to check their presence and retrieve the Open Access types and additional key metadata On 2/7/2024 05:39 a user uploaded a list of 23 DOIs to the Irish Monitor to check their presence and retrieve the Open Access types and additional key metadata On 19/7/2024 08:09 user with ORCID ID added research product "engagement in reading lessons learned from three pisa countries" (10.1598/jaal.51.4.2) to their ORCID record. On 19/7/2024 08:10 user with ORCID ID added research product "direct costs of radiotherapy for rectal cancer a microcosting study" (10.1186/s12913-015-0845-9) to their ORCID record.