On 20/3/2024 11:46 user with ORCID ID added research product "From scholarly output to knowledge database to insights on scientific content and its impact" (10.5281/zenodo.8091627) to their ORCID record. On 27/3/2024 07:17 a user uploaded a list of 10 DOIs to the Irish Monitor to check their presence and retrieve the Open Access types and additional key metadata On 27/3/2024 07:19 a user uploaded a list of 15 DOIs to the Irish Monitor to check their presence and retrieve the Open Access types and additional key metadata On 27/3/2024 08:22 user with ORCID ID added research product "2nd OpenAIRE Monitor Community Call" (10.5281/zenodo.7850076) to their ORCID record. On 29/3/2024 14:07 a user uploaded a list of 10249 DOIs to the Irish Monitor to check their presence and retrieve the Open Access types and additional key metadata On 29/3/2024 14:27 a user uploaded a list of 10249 DOIs to the Irish Monitor to check their presence and retrieve the Open Access types and additional key metadata